Niagara Wine Touring

If you ever find yourself driving down the Queen Elizabeth Expressway on your way to Niagara Falls, and you have a few hours to spare, it’s not the worst idea to get off at Exit 57, Victoria Avenue, Vineland.  Here you will find yourself in the heart of Niagara’s Twenty Valley wine country.  This picturesque area offers rustic nature trails to signature wine touring alongside many prestigious inns, enticing bed and breakfasts, and campgrounds that offer fabulous getaways.  Plus you get to try a lot of great wine!

Twenty Mile Creek, Jordan Village

Cherry orchards blossoming

Cherry orchards

Cherry blossoms

Stoney Ridge Estate Winery

Stoney Ridge Estate Winery

Me trying to get a fresh taste!


Torchio (winepress)

Great legs!

Kacaba barrels

Kacaba Vineyards cellar





Triple A: Art Auction for Autism

For the past few months I have been volunteering my time and services to the Geneva Centre for Autism on the steering committee for The 3rd Annual AUTISTS Gala.  It will be a great night filled with food, fun and fundraising to help youth with autism access job training, summer employment and post-secondary pathways.  I will be shooting the event and also donating a framed print of my Colosseo photograph to the art auction, which will be offerring worthy collector pieces.

To get your tickets visit  It is a night not to be missed!


Bob + Paige Salon gets a new home


Bob + Paige Salon 239 Danforth Avenue Toronto, Ontario

My good friend Violet and her business parter Frank Calandrino have done it again!  Fours years ago, they called me to photograph the interiors of their brand new Bob + Paige Salon on the Danforth.  They submitted the photos to Salon Magazine’s Contessa Awards and won first place for Salon Interior Design.  The business has now grown so much that they had to expand to a new location.  I was called in once again to shoot the new salon and I must say it looks great; there may be another award coming their way!

A Project Named Desire

Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie from This Property Is Condemned

This week I caught up with three of the nine theatre companies that are participating in The Tennessee Project Toronto. Rehearsals are in full swing and you can tell that the project will be full of spectacular performances from some special talent. Here are some shots from the rehearsals of This Property Is CondemnedAnd Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens, and Something Unspoken.  The companies responsible are Theatre CaravelAfterglow Theatre, and Written On Water Theatre respectively. Check out the links for more information.

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Eric Double – Artistic Producer/co-director and Julia Nis-Lapidus – Artistic Producer/co-director Theatre Caravel

Director Aaron Rothermund and Stage Manager Reut Shilton – Afterglow Theatre

Geoff Stevens as Alvin with Seth Drabinsky as Candy and Adam Norrad as Jerry

Seth Drabinsky as Candy

Geoff Stevens as Alvin

Adam Norrad as Jerry

Sheelagh Darling as Grace Lancaster with Suzette McCanny as Cornelia Scott

Suzette McCanny as Cornelia Scott

Sheelagh Darling as Grace Lancaster

Darwin Lyons – Director Written on Water Theatre

Sarah Barton – Stage Manager Written On Water Theatre

The Tennessee Project Toronto

If you are a fan of Tennessee Williams and his plays then The Tennessee Project Toronto is something you must experience.  I am currently working with some friends on this astounding theatre project which will bring seven Tennessee Williams one-act plays to venues throughout the city of Toronto.  Featuring the talents of nine theatre companies, it is one of the largest co-productions Toronto has seen in years.  The performances will hit Toronto in May 2012, with plays opening in Cabbagetown, Greektown, Roncesvalles, The Annex, North York, Leslieville, and St. Clair West.  The productions will rotate to a different neighborhood each evening for a week, giving each community seven different nights of Williams.  For more information click the image below:

I recently caught up with Black Tea Productions, one of the troupes who will be performing The Unsatisfactory Supper.  Their rehearsals are in full swing and the actors were definitely getting into their characters!

Neil Brown as Archie Lee with Sarah Grange as Baby Doll

Neil Brown as Archie Lee with Sarah Grange as Baby Doll

Erin Hamilton as Aunt Rose with Neil Brown as Archie Lee and Sarah Grange as Baby Doll

Erin Hamilton as Aunt Rose with Neil Brown as Archie Lee

Director Rebecca Young Hart

Jump on and ride the Tennessee Project Toronto by getting your tickets here: