A Project Named Desire

Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie from This Property Is Condemned

This week I caught up with three of the nine theatre companies that are participating in The Tennessee Project Toronto. Rehearsals are in full swing and you can tell that the project will be full of spectacular performances from some special talent. Here are some shots from the rehearsals of This Property Is CondemnedAnd Tell Sad Stories of the Deaths of Queens, and Something Unspoken.  The companies responsible are Theatre CaravelAfterglow Theatre, and Written On Water Theatre respectively. Check out the links for more information.

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Steve Bolentu as Tom with Elisabeth Lagerlof as Willie

Eric Double – Artistic Producer/co-director and Julia Nis-Lapidus – Artistic Producer/co-director Theatre Caravel

Director Aaron Rothermund and Stage Manager Reut Shilton – Afterglow Theatre

Geoff Stevens as Alvin with Seth Drabinsky as Candy and Adam Norrad as Jerry

Seth Drabinsky as Candy

Geoff Stevens as Alvin

Adam Norrad as Jerry

Sheelagh Darling as Grace Lancaster with Suzette McCanny as Cornelia Scott

Suzette McCanny as Cornelia Scott

Sheelagh Darling as Grace Lancaster

Darwin Lyons – Director Written on Water Theatre

Sarah Barton – Stage Manager Written On Water Theatre

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